Thursday, February 9, 2012

SANUS SYSTEM Flat Panel TV Stand Furniture

This is a stunning ultra modern TV stand, with superior construction, which could use a little more details in the instructions. A few parts are unidentified (the four round things are black feet for the stand, in case you don't like the platinum ones and the two curved pieces need to go around the stand BEFORE you mount your TV.

You'll never be able to hide all your plugs in the center column because most don't fit through the narrow space allowed to go down the center of the stand.

The glass color is not described, but it's a smoky black and the TV sizes that are supported are weight related and not size related. I'm so glad I called Amazon because they called the company and found out that my 55" 8000 series Samsung was "perfect" for this stand, even though the details limit size to 50".

My biggest problem is that the price of the stand changed in the five minutes I put it in my cart and tried to check out. The next day, it was the original price and the day after that, it was about $100 more. That's never happened before.

All that said, I love this stand and highly recommend it.

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